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Totally Logistics North


Totally Logistics North proves a winner

Totally Logistics North, recently launched at Doncaster Racecourse on 28-29th September 2011 set out to redefine the logistics exhibition experience. Not only did it deliver a broad based exhibition covering the ‘Total’ supply chain but it also set new standards of visitor interest with the introduction of features such as the highly successful site visits to the IKEA hub, one of the largest automated warehouses in Europe.

The exhibition put suppliers of the complete range of logistics products, systems and services face-to-face with senior supply chain professionals responsible for making the key buying decisions and the comments from exhibitors and visitors alike confirmed that it was the right show, at the right time and in the right venue.

Roger Summerfield from Shrink1st that specialise in shrink wrapping unusual shaped products said, “The Show was successful, we got three definite sales from it and we anticipate possibly another five or six from the leads we received. We have already agreed to exhibit at the 2012 Shows and we’re looking forward to these being as successful.”

Milford IBC design and manufacture a range of bulk containers and specialised logistics products and Simon Bolton, sales manager from Milford reported that, “Totally Logistics North far exceeded our expectations, the quality of visitors to our stand was of a very high calibre and produced some excellent contacts. The event really was extremely well organised with a wide cross section of industry sectors in attendance.”

Totally Logistics North was such a resounding success that exhibitors have requested a southern version of the market leading event. The result is that Totally Logistics South will be launched at FIVE, Farnborough on 10-11 October 2012, and Totally Logistics North will be held again at Doncaster Racecourse on 26-27 September 2012.

FIVE, Farnborough was chosen as the venue for the southern show because it is located in the heart of south east England with excellent transport links by road – M3, M25 and M4 – rail – direct services to London and Southern England – and air with Heathrow being a short drive away. FIVE is a purpose built exhibition centre with over 3,000 sq m of clear-span space and ample free parking for exhibitors and visitors.

Allott & Associates, Belgravium, Flexi Narrow Aisle, Imtech ICT Logistics Software, Invest In Doncaster, OBS Logistics, Proteus Software, Shrink1st, South Yorkshire International Trade Centre are among the market leaders already backing Totally Logistics North and South.

With two exhibitions in 2012, Totally Logistics can implement a larger national marketing and promotional campaign to ensure high class events that deliver a real ROI for exhibitors and fill the autumn gap in the logistics marketing calendar. For further details contact Richard Milbourn on 0844 561 1230 or email

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